Pega CSA Exam Previous Questions and Answers

1. best description for a case status?
a. status cannot be changed in a case stage
b. status can be applied on every flow action shape

2. When rule is used when the data page references multiple sources.

3. Q on repeating grid
a. It can be used to display rows and columns
b. Can use a list page property as source
c. can use a page property
d. something else
Ans.choose a and b

4. Sources for repeating grid
Ans. page list and report definition

5. Default urgency 25
   Initial urgency 15
  Goal 10  - 8 hrs
 deadline 15- 12 hrs
passed deadline 10 -1 business day
Ans. 65

6. flow action is created in blah-blah-work. which of the following can access it
Ans. blah-blah-work-casetype1 and blah-blah-casetype2

7. Which rule to use for a very specific condition
a. when
b. decision tree
c. decision table
d. decision map
Ans. a

8. when the source values may change, what is to be used as source
a. data page b. report definition c. local list d. data table
Ans. a

9. Guardrails has
Ans. severity and warning type

10. Guardrails does not show
a. open cases with guardrail violations
b. warning with rule type
c. error in  rule in the application
d. performance warnings
Ans. c 

11. what to chose for the implementation of a series of steps on rejecting a candidate
a. optional process on a case
b. alternate stage
c. optional action
d. something else
Ans. b

12. a user needs to attach a document and may need to update or delete the document in the later stages
a. create a case-wide supporting action something (never heard of such stuff)
b. optional process on each case stage
c. option action on each case stage
d. some statement having case wide supporting blah blah
13. inbound email create purchase request and fetch latest prices
check dump for answer

14. Passed Deadline is measured
a) from the deadline
b) from the start of assignment c) from the goalAns : a

17) Which is the best way to cache data from external system a) Data Transform,                          b) Data Table,                    c) Data Page                    
Ans: c
20. Creation of Sub-cases a) Automatically b) Procedurally c) Manually d) Conditionally e) declaratively Ans: a,c,d

a) both need to be optimized b) only pxblah needs to be optimized c)only pyblah needs to be optimized d) Need not optimize bothAns: d

a) Dropdown b) Auto- Complete c) local-list D) data pagea) assignments assigned to operator b) cases assigned to operator. c) assignments pending with operator. d) assignments part of cases created by operator.Ans: a, c

a.mail b. voice call c. fax d. mmsAns: a,c

Options: a. data page b. page list c. page group d. information is not sufficient Ans: b

options: a. operatorID record, access group, application rules b. access group, application rules, operatorID c. application rules, operatorID, access group d. access group, operatorID, application rules

options: a. decision table. b. decision tree c. when d. data page Ans. b

a.9 +-2 b.7+-2 c.< 15 d.5+-2Ans : b

34. Which control is used to display some dynamic content as list a.Dynamic Select complete c.text Ans : b
A. It only applies to work classes B. It causes a class to inherit rules from parent classes, matching its prefix to the parent class name C. It is executed after directed inheritance D. It causes a class to inherit rules from a class not related to its parentans. a (not sure)

a) delcare the property as decimal and create an edit validate rule to check if greater than zero. b) delcare the property as decimal and create an  validate rule to check if greater than zero. c) delcare the property as integer and create an edit validate rule to check if greater than zero. d) Use a Validate rule to check if it is numeric and greater than zero.a) Page b) Pagelist c) Valuelist d) Page groupAns. d

15. Pega Guardrails are used for best practices and they have little or no impact on the application.

16. Which of the following is not a valid property control in pega 7
18. the decision tree change be used in
a. declare expression
b. routing purpose
c. assignment
d. fork
Ans. b

19. Is it possible to include image, spreadsheet, ……. In Application Document.
21. refresh older than is set to 5 minutes, when will it be accessed or something
Ans. 5 minutes of inactivity after the first usage

22. Need to create a report with pxblah and pyblah
thumb rule need not be optimised

23. When we need to select from  a large list of dynamically populated values then we give the control as
Ans. b

24. Worklist contains

25. Workbasket meaning

26. Best description for push and pull routing
all options are almost similar
Ans. push - manage pushes to operator and pull - operator pulls froms list of items in WB/something

27. Which of the following represent class for case type
Ans. c

28. Select correspondence rules(select two)
29. Relation between customer and address is 1-n then what will be adress mode
30. . ------------reference ----------------, which reference ---------------, which reference rulesets
Ans. a

31. future date should not be entered. how to implement
Ans. validate rule

32. What is the best thing if we have many nested ifs

33. What is the best practise on the num of steps/stages a case might be decomposed

35. best description of clipboard page
a. used for debugging by the end user
b. something
c. something
d. used to check the created properties and update or edit them and so and so
Ans. d

36. When does a declare expression gets triggered
a. when result changes
b. when one of the result changes
c. when one of the input values change
Ans. c

37. best description between case and subcase
i wrote data is propagated whena subcase is created from a case(not sure)

38. which is a declarative rule
a. data page b. decision table c. decision tree d. report defintion
Ans. a

39. What are the best practices to create a case.
Ans. a

40. What are the steps you follow when u initially draft a UI.(Choose 3)
41. best description for an assignment
Ans. for user to intervene and give an input

42. review-harness definition
a. see info and take no action
b. see info and accept/reject
c. see info and take any one of the available actions

43. shown 2 diagrams where one has marital status single and 2nd one has marital status as married and extra options displayed. which rule is used
a. data page
b. when
c. decision tree
d. decision table
Ans. b

44. intent driven meaning
a.quick creation b. c. build reusable application d. user can understand easily
i chose d(not sure might be c)

45. Which statement is true about pattern inheritance? (Choose One)

46. Which of the following should be done to check that a property is greater than zero.
Ans d

47. Which of the following is unordered list

48. where to create a page property
Ans. where the associated properties are present ie same class

49. data transform usage?
b. copy values from one page to another page
Ans. a,b

50. dynamic layout best description
a. page as source
b. orientation or positioning
c. no. of columns per row
d. something
Ans. b,c

51. page can be source for
a. report definition
c. section embedded within a section
d. dynamic layout

52. Control specified on cell overrides the control defined on property
Ans. true

53. Can requesters access data pages from node
true or false
Ans. K

54. Constraint best description
a. for indexing
b. for running an activity
c. compare one property against another
Ans. c

55. When can a when rule be used on a decision shape
Ans. used as a fork

56. Scenario
- collect info from caller
- collect details
- send to appropriate person
Ans. use under a single case satge

57. decision tree executes all the conditions even when the first step returns a ‘true’
Ans. false

58. A service level
a. called on a assignment
Ans. a,b

59. passed deadline on a case can be configured
a. true b. false
Ans. true

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